State/City EITC Guides Included

    1. What is an EITC Notice?

    1. Dates and Deadlines

    2. Who Should Receive This Notice and How?

    3. EITC Notice for Download

    1. Deadlines and How to Notify

    2. Who Should Receive This Notice?

    3. EITC Notice for Download

    1. Dates and Deadlines

    2. EITC Notice for Download

    1. Dates and Deadlines

    2. Who Should Receive This Notice?

    3. EITC Notice For Download

    1. Dates and Deadlines

    2. Who Should Receive This Notice?

    3. EITC Notice For Download

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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